January 5, 2018

Weight Loss Real or Myth

Judging by the title this is not your typical New Years Resolution weight loss post.  With the weight loss success I have been having lately it seems more like a myth. I have not lost one single pound and its all MY fault.  I am getting the results I have been working so hard to achieve by eating sweets, drinking coke, eating late at night and not exercising.  Yes I have done a terrific job at making my weight gain a FACT.

In order to make my weight loss real and I have to incorporate the two C words that are the center of all success stories - CHANGE & CONSISTENCY.  Today I choose not to continue making my loosing weight a Myth but a FACT.  Follow me on instagram for daily progress and food choices.

January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!  God is so AMAZING! He is GREAT and GOOD all the time.  I am blessed to see another year. 

I typically make New Years Resolutions but this year I chose to be the best me and to walk in Gods Purpose for my Life.  I want to live an unedited version of my life this year as well as be more consistent with everything I do.  I title this chapter of my life Dream Chaser because I planing on chasing all my dreams this year! 

 I pray blessings and favor you and your family this new year!

Dream Chaser Shirt can be found https://warrior-apparel.org/collections/all?page=3