November 8, 2015

Getting Fit and Losing Weight

For those of you that follow me on Instagram and Facebook @Eboniebutterfly know that as much as I love beauty, I enjoy working out and staying fit.  The problem is my EATING.  Eating can be a road block when it come to losing weight. My weight loss has been minimal due to my lack of eating well,  however my fitness level is out the roof.  To combat my eating I decided to take things one day at a time.  I have been a pecatarian since October 22, 2015.  I changed my way of eating by choice and not by force.   Being fit and healthy is on top of my priority list. With that being said I wanted to document this challenge.  I am not promising daily updates but weekly I will check in and tell you how things are going.  As far as the beauty and makeup portion of my blog.  It is still alive and well and I will be getting back to that. Take care you beautiful butterflies~~~

Felicia -- Eboniebutterfly

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